Sunday, 18 August 2013

Favourite Fragrances

Hi everyone,

I'll tell you about few of my favourites perfumes, which somehow turned out to be all from Burberry. I have to say that from the moment I bought my first fragrance from Burberry ( you will know which one in a moment ) I fell in love with their scents and every time I buy a new perfume they turned out to be from Burberry.

The first one that I want to tell you guys about my very first Burberry perfume, The Beat. I bought it last year and it's almost gone which just proves that I love them and use them very often. It hard to explain how it smells plus I'm not good at explaining smells but I'll try my best. When you sniff it first you might think it's quite heavy and more for the night out not a day wear. After a while you can smell the freshness and lightness. So you get a light and elegant smell at once, what's not to love? It' great for every occasion. Also it's very long lasting on your skin and quite strong so you don't need to spray a lot.

 The second one I bought was The Burberry Summer scent which is very light, summery, fresh but also sweet, as I love the sweets scents. This one is perfect for summer and spring it's not as long lasting as the other ones I have, but if you spray it more you are ready to go. I love this smell I use it almost everyday maybe I wouldn't wear it for evenings but for day time it's great option.

For the last one I'll tell you about the newest one I bought when I was in Italy. It the new Burberry Body Tender fragrance. I wrote about this in my July Favourites  but I'll just let you know in a quick way why I love them so much. The bottle is beautiful, it's long lasting scent so you won't use it up quickly. It's in a way fresh and light but then comes the elegant and a bit more strong scent. I think it's also great for day so is for evening. I think it's my very favourite from all of them!

Hope you enjoyed it and if you have any questions, comments or requests leave then in the comments. 

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Summer Lookbook #3

Hi everyone,

Today is the last day of my little summer lookbook. Hope you liked it and maybe in to future I will do another one. It was something new and different to me, so I'm sorry if it's not so good but I promise I'll try to make it better next time.

Sorry if they look a bit dirty and worn out but I have been wearing them so much!

Hope you like this outfit and the photos. Came back on Sunday for a new post like always.
If you have any comments, questions or requests leave them below. 

Monday, 12 August 2013

Summer Lookbook #2

Hi everyone,

Today is my second outfit from my little summer lookbook.


Hope you like it and came back tomorrow for the last outfit :) 
If you have any comments, requests or questions leave them below. 

Sunday, 11 August 2013

Summer Lookbook #1

Hi everyone,

I decided to do a little mini series of my favourites outfits for summer, I have been wearing lately. Everyday there will be a new outfit. Today is the first one, the next one will be tomorrow and the last one on Tuesday. I just want to say that everyone has different fashion style and sense, some of you may like it or not. This is just what I have been loving this summer and maybe you can get some inspiration of it.

Hope you like it and came back tomorrow for the second outfit. 
If you have any questions, comments, request leave them in the comments. 

Sunday, 4 August 2013

My Favourites Quotes

Hi everyone,

Sorry this post is not fashion/beauty related, but I'm planing on doing something fun for next week and it will be fashion related.

I'm making this post for you and myself to look at, when you are feeling down or sad. Here will be a few ( maybe a bit to many of them but I think all of them are great ) of my favourites quotes that make me feel better and more confident.

Here are some that I found through out some time,

"Love your enemies because their fear is your strength".

"Be brave
 Don't ask for permission
and don't ponder what others will think"

"There is only one truth.
  And the truth is:
It doesn't matter what are they.
Everyone is skinny,
terrorists with emotion, 
thief's and victims.
It doesn't matter what they are. 
What matters is what you are."

"1. Don't be jealous
2. Don't compare yourself to others
3. Don't complain
4. Concentrate on what's important for you
5. Work fairly
6. Think positive
7. Be happy with what you have instead  of worrying what you don't have
8. Be nice to everyone - to plants, animals and people, including yourself
9. Take care of yourself - do sports, eat healthy, sleep eight hours
10. Your life is a reflection of your thoughts. 
11. The better you think of yourself, other people and world, the more you will get from life. "

"Look around
If life is always going back 
and not allowing you to go foreword
it means that maybe you haven't seen something really important 
in the place you are right 
now "

" People you meet 
are not there by accident
Each of them is a mirror
that reflect your own defects.."

"Everything you have, in life 
effects you
you are the director 
that displays your own film..."

" The more good you make 
the more you get from life.."

" Don't give up
Be positive
Make conscious decisions
Organize your time
You are the director of your life
Plan it so
You will be happy about it"

"No one has more or less
Everyone has exactly the same
The biggest trick in life is to
find yourself in what you have now
because only then you can get more"

"When you judge someone 
you embed someone or judge what he/she does
you are doing this based on the fractional knowledge
that you have about him/her 
Why should we even deal with this,
since in only 50%  you can be right or wrong?
Take care of yourself 
It doesn't matter what someone does or says
What matters is what you do and say."

"Everything is possible
The only think that stops you is YOU, 
It's only your own beliefs and fear
The truth is:
You can do what ever you want
The world is open, and life belongs to you
In reality 
You build barriers inside yourself 
and that's why you have an impression 
that something is running away from you
that you are enslaved, helpless and powerless
If you think your life is a prison
that means 
that the walls of that prison are your own toughts. 
You can make any decision
and change your life.."

"Do what you love
and do it with love
and you will be who ever you would like to be"

is not someone
who doesn't feel fear
but someone who can beat that fear and dares to reach
for something they want"

"Believe in yourslef
believe that you are valuable 
and that you have the power to be happy.."

"Before you criticise someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. 
That way when you criticise them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes"

"Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs build the ark. Professionals build the Titanic"

"It's not who you are that keeps you back, it's who you think you're not. 
So start believing in yourself!"

"though no one can go back and make a new brand start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending"

 Sorry if it bored you or it's a bit to long, but I think that anyone that is a bit down or not confident will like to read this! I know it helped me a bit and I hope you will like this.

If you have any requests, comments, questions leave me a comment!