Sunday, 12 January 2014

Fashion & Styling Tips.

Hello everyone,
I was thinking of ideas for this weeks post and it hit me when I was falling asleep few days ago. I'll tell you some of my tips when it comes to styling. I hope you will like it and maybe find it useful.
When I was doing my make-up styling course during summer I learned some really inserting and helpful things when it comes to fashion.

There are ten of them, but of course there is much more. For now it's just ten. Let's start:

1) We are always strive to proportions. 
The 'ideal'  figure is hourglass ( which means that your shoulders are the same measures as your hips), but really all figures are beautiful and with a bit of help we can make a figure of an apple or pear into a hourglass. So when you have bigger hips try to put something that will be more eye caching ( like a scarf, layers of clothes and maybe bigger jacket), so that we will have an illusion of an hourglass.

2) If you have legs in the shape of an X or straight or facing outwards try to wear skirts or dresses up to your knee or a bit longer. 

3) When choosing your jewellery make sure it fits to you face shape.
Again the ideal  face shape is an oval but you can always correct that with make-up ( bronzer, blush & highlighter), so when you pick your jewellery and you have a face in a shape of an triangle try to avoid angular shape earrings  or necklaces.

4) Polo necks shirts make your neck shorter and you breasts bigger. 

5) 3/4 slaves makes you slimmer. 

6) Pockets on jeans. 
 With some patterns make you bum look bigger and flat.

7) Sunglasses should cover your eyebrows. 

8) Look out for shoes.
Boots can make your leg shorter and bigger.
Shoes with exposed toes will make your leg longer and foot shorter and they will catch more attention.
Pointy shoes will make your foot longer, not in all cases.

9) Sometimes you can wear monochrome clothes.
This means that you can wear the whole outfit in the same colour but different tones of the colour.

10) Tights with flowers and any patterns on the also if they are shiny will make your legs look bigger. 

Hope you like this post and if you have any more questions about this leave them below on contact me on my social media. Also I'll be open to any of your requests, they would help me a lot.

Sunday, 5 January 2014

Liebster Blog Adward

Hello everyone, 
This week there will be a bit of a different post, but I'm super excited about it! I was nominated by the lovely Rosy ( please go follow her,she has an amazing blog!). I was so surprised when I saw Rosy's comment on my last post, of course in a good way, that she nominated me. I absolutely love her blog and I just want to say a big thank you to her. Now let's start with the Liebster Award.. 

Here are the rules: 

1) Make a post about the Liebster award and thank the blogger who nominated you.

2) Write 11 interesting facts about yourself.
3) Answer 11 questions created by the blogger who nominated you.
4) Nominate 11 other bloggers (the must have less than 200 followers) and notify them that you nominated them.
5)Write 11 new questions for your nominees.

11 facts about myself:

1) I love roses. Especially red and pink. 
2) I want to be a stylist and make-up artist.
3) Maybe some day I'll make a YouTube channel. 
4) When I was younger I was addicted to The Sims 2 and still play them when I'm bored.
5) I could spend the whole day watching YouTube videos of my favourites YouTubers.
6) I hate cold and rain, but I want to live in the UK. 
7) I'll get a tattoo this summer. 
8) I love Christmas time.
9) I'm addicted to Tumblr. 
10) I'm form Poland but I hate it here. 
11) I was living in Denmark for 2 years and it was the best 2 years of my life. 

Questions by Rosy:

1)Do you collect anything?

I used to collect stickers when I was much younger and I still do have them somewhere, but at the time nope. 
2) Who is your blogspiration?
Zoella, Louise aka. SprinkleOfGlitter, Tanya Burr and Danielle aka. WeWoreWhat
3)If you could travel to anywhere in the world, where would you go?
London and somewhere in Australia. 
4) What is your favourite film?
Love Actually, Harry Potter and a new one; About Time. 
5) What is your favourite perfume?
Burberry - Summer 
Marc by Marc Jacobs  - Honey
6) If you had three wishes, what would you wish for?
Two more wishes......... No just kidding.. 
I think to be happy, for a house in the UK and... ermm.. I'm not sure... it's a hard one..  I don't know what would be the last one.. lets just say fro Harry Styles ;). 
7) Your all time favourite lipstick?
Bourjois Color Boost Lip Crayon - 06 Plum Russian
8) What is your favourite skincare product?
The Bioderma Sensibio. 
9) If you where only allowed to use one makeup product for the rest of your life, what would you use?
That's so hard... I think it would be foundation.. as I hate how my skin looks without it. 
10) Where do you see yourself in five years time?
I hope not in Poland.. just in university or any other school to become a stylist/make-up artist. 
11)What's one item of clothing you can't live without?
Hmm.... I think my Topshop white shirt with a collar and my leather jacket .. oh and my Zara big red scarf.. I love it! Sorry I know it should be just one but I can't decide. 

I nominate:

Emma ( I know she has more then 200 followers but I really like her blog!!)

Go and follow all of them!

My Questions: 

1) Why did you make a fashion/beauty/lifestyle blog? What was you inspiration? 
2) What's one product that you can't live without? 
3) What's your favourite song at the moment? 
4) What's your guilty pleasure? 
5) If you could change one thing in your life what would it be?
6) Who's your celebrity crush? 
7) What's you favourite nail polish? 
8) What do you want to achieve before you are 40? 
9) One beauty product that you really want to have at the moment?
10) Your 3 main autumn/winter and spring/summer essentials? 
11) What's your best memory from the past 5 years? 

I just want to again thank Rosy. it was very fun making this post and make sure you go and check her out! Hope you liked it and  if you have any comments, requests or questions leave them below 