We can say that unfortunately we are approaching the end of summer, I have to say it went super fast for me like always, thankfully I still have September off. However we are closer to autumn which I think is my favourite season out of all. But as there is still some time of summer left, I love to take it into my room.
I have done these DIY things for a while now and it's the best way to make your own, easy and affordable decorations. Of course you don't have to use just flowers, you can paint and decorate your jars to make other decorations for your rooms.
I'll show you few of my recent or old ideas for flower arrangements that are super easy and definitely DIY.
1) Flowers in bottles and jars!
You will need:
- Two or more bottles that you like (mine are empty and cleaned lemonade bottles).
- Two are more jars (any size and shape you like).
- Some ribbon of your choice.
- Any flowers you like or can find.
When you have everything you will need, you can put little bows on your bottles and jars.
Now all you have to do is put some water and place the flowers. Later, if you want to dry them just remove the water.
When you want to have these flower decorations all year around, including the colder months just dry the flowers and again put them into the containers.
2) Dried Lavender & Roses in a jar
You will need:
- Some jar/bottle/vase
- Dried lavender and rose
When you have dried your roses, you remove the heads and place them into a jar, they will look so pretty on you shelves or any other place.
The same happens to lavender, just dry it, cut to the appropriate length and put them inside the container. Lavender will also make your room smell very nice, however the smell is not strong so don't worry!
This white vase (I don't really know how to call this) I got from IKEA and it's just a used candle container.
The last idea is one of my favourites and I have two vases like that in my room with dried roses. My room is rather dark so I can't have alive flowers for so long as they just die, but I still want to have some greenery, that's why fake or dried flowers are great if you have rooms without a lot of light.
3) Dried roses in a vase.
You will need:
- Vase/Jar or anything else they you can place the flowers.
- Dried roses, you can use any colours I really like these ones and red ones. When they dry they change their colors slightly.
Hope you liked this post and if you have any comments, requests or questions please leave them below.